Meets the first Sunday after 8:30 am Mass.
Mission: to promote community in our parish through service to the church and social activity.
Purpose: to oversee care of our kitchen and weekly care of parish facilities and to provide outreach for our community members.
Membership: all women of the parish, ages 18 and older, are considered members of the Altar Society.
Meetings: the second Sunday of the month after mass during the months of September-May.
St. William’s Altar Society was organized in 1942 while still using the school. The ladies of the parish saw the many needs that they could fulfill. First officers were Cecilia Tandsatter, Sophie Posch and Alice Payne. Among the many fund raising projects was a family style dinner for $1.00 per plate in the Argusville Hall. There was no running water and only one wood and coal range. Water was carried from the school in cream cans and members brought kerosene stoves to use. China and silverware were borrowed from St. Mary’s Church. EACH FAMILY was asked to bring five fried chickens, ten pounds of peeled potatoes, one bowl of coleslaw, one quart of pickles, one pound butter, one dozen buns, one bowl of buttered carrots and five pies.
July 1947: Once in the new church, Fr. Arrell, officially recognized St. William’s Altar Society on July 17. Plans were made to meet the third Tuesday of every month, meetings to start at 2 o’clock. Each member to pay 25 cents a month and two ladies serve. Motion made and second we serve three things and coffee and meet at the homes.
Members of the Altar Society are to go to Confession and Communion the first Sunday of the month. The members are to go to Communion first and the rest later.
A donation was given for the organ. Each member joining is to give a dollar. Officers are as follows: President – Mrs. Harold Tandsater; Vice-President – Mrs. Arthur Dura; Secretary – Mrs. Kent Hodgson; and Treasurer – Mrs. John Posch.
Meeting adjourned and next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Jack Hlebechuck and with Mrs. Alfred Plakin assisting hostess.
Mrs. Gene Payne and Mrs. Hlebechuck will clean the church for the month of October.
Mrs. Tandsater reported that the communion cloth has arrived and Mrs. Wineberger will sew it. Mrs. Ondracek, Shirek, and Schafer paid 25 cents for their dues. Eleven members present. Motion made and second meeting be closed. Luncheon served and a gift presented to Mrs. Wineberger.
September 1947: The September meeting of the St. William’s Altar Society was held at the home of Mrs. Steve Wineberger. At this meeting a surprise farewell party was held in honor of Mrs. Wineberger.
The chicken supper was planned for October 5 in the Argusville hall.
Mrs. Gene Payne selected a committee to get the hall and dishes and to have charge of the dining room. The menu decided upon was: potatoes (peeled at home), chickens (5 each prepared at home), 4 dozen buns, 4 pies (any kind), 1 pint coffee cream, 1 gal. comb. salad, 2 lbs. cranberries/thick sauce (made at home), 1 qt. pickles, 1/2 gal. gravy, chicken dressing, 1 bushel tomatoes (Betty Payne), 4 lbs. coffee.
Do not bring neck or backs of chickens. Committee to send notices: Mrs. Shirek, Mrs. Tandsater, and Mrs. Pluhn. Change of meeting date discussed not nothing decided.